
The major purpose of God creating man is relationship. God’s desire for us is to live in peace and to relish the marital relationship. I enjoy working with couples and helping them identify the root cause of misunderstanding or miscommunication in their relationships, be it their orientation, personality, environment, life experiences, belief system, or other factors they might not be aware of. When a couple learns to communicate positively, problem-solving and conflict-resolution become easier, and their bond gets stronger. Working through a forgiveness and reconciliation process in a struggling marriage is an amazing experience. If you are committed to the institution of marriage and ready to change the unhealthy patterns that disrupt your marital peace, I will be glad to facilitate that change. I am trained in Prevention and Relationship Education Program (PREP). I am also a Certified SYMBIS facilitator. I utilize this research-based assessment instrument to help my engaged couples and newlyweds prepare for a lifelong fulfilling marriage.